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謝健  教授
  • home  A2-332
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  • mail  jshieh@nuu.edu.tw
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  • school學歷 (Eduation)
    國立成功大學 材料科學及工程學系 博士
    國立成功大學 材料科學及工程學系 碩士
    國立成功大學 材料科學及工程學系 學士
  • assignment_ind經歷 (Experience)
    國家奈米元件實驗室 副研究員
    國家奈米元件實驗室 奈米CMOS元件平台組組長
    國家奈米元件實驗室 奈米製造/元件技術組組長
    國家奈米元件實驗室 奈米製造與功能性材料PI
    國家奈米元件實驗室 核心設施營運組組長
    澳洲CSIRO (Lindfield) 電漿奈米科學中心 訪問科學家
    國立聯合大學創新育成中心 主任
    國立聯合大學材料科學工程學系 主任
  • voicemail開設課程 (Course)

  • mode_edit專長 (Expertise)
  • transform研究方向 (Research interest)
  • storage研究計畫 (Research project)
    1. 97年度:直徑20 奈米矽奈米草在微影圖案上之超疏水特性 (國科會計畫 NSC- 97-2221-E-492-002)
    2. 98年度:製作類空氣晶圓並探討其穩定性之研究 (國科會計畫 NSC-98-2221-E-492-005)
    3. 99年度:二階奈米抗反射結構之研究 (國科會計畫 NSC-99-2221-E-239-043)
    4. 100-101年度:奈米草薄膜之研究 (國科會計畫 NSC-100-2221-E-239-012-MY2)
    5. 101-103年度:以奈米草表面結構增益柱狀太陽能電池性能 (國科會計畫 NSC 101-2628-E-239 -002 -MY3)
    6. 104-106年度:應用表面電漿共振、表面化學蝕刻與表面異質接面於矽奈米柱太陽能電池(科技部計畫 MOST 104-2628-E-239 -001 -MY3)
    7. 107年度:隱形氧化矽奈米線綠色製程及其環境應用(科技部計畫 MOST 107-2221-E-239-005-)
    8. 109年度:製作超潤濕表面應用於表面增強拉曼散射(科技部計畫 MOST 109-2221-E-239-019-)
  • approval獲得榮譽、獎助及學術活動 (Honor, fellowship, and academic activity)
    1. NDL 優秀論文獎 (2007)
    2. 聯合大學理工學院傑出研究獎 (2011)
    3. Invited Scientist by CSIRO, Australia (2010)
    4. 指導學生(葉介永、紀呈彥)台灣真空學會101年會學生論文海報獎
    5. 指導學生(紀呈彥、葉介永)中國材料科學學會102年會學生論文佳作獎
    6. 指導學生(游承澐、劉建明)參加TACT 2015學生論文海報獎
    7. 國科會101年度優秀年輕學者研究計畫獎勵 (2012-2015)
    8. 科技部104年度優秀年輕學者研究計畫獎勵(2015-2018)
    9. 聯合大學104年度研究績優教師獎

  • account_balance期刊論文 (Journal)
    Jing Yuan Tsai, Guan Fu Huang, Jiann Shieh*, Chin Chi Hsu, Kostya (Ken) Ostrikov, "Harvesting Water Surface Energy: Self-Jumping Nanostructured Hydrophobic Metals" iScience 24, 102746 (2021). Featured in New Scientists (3 July 2021)
    Tsung-Shine Ko, Han-Yuan Liu, Jiann Shieh, De Shieh, Szu-Hung Chen, Yen-Lun Chen, En-Ting Lin, "Using Si/MoS2 Core-Shell Nanopillar Arrays Enhances SERS Signal" Nanomaterials 11, 733 (2021).
    Chun-Hui Wu, You An Lee, Yen Jung Lai, Jiann Shieh, Chii Rong Yang, Chin-Chi Hsu, "Heat transfer enhancement of a multilayer graphene coating surface" Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 118, 110175 (2020).
    Hong-Yi Lee, Bo-Wen Huang, Yi Ci Tsai, Jiann Shieh*, "Rapid, Low-Temperature Growth of Sub-10 nm Silica Nanowires through Plasma Pretreatment for Antireflection Applications" ACS Applied Nano Materials 2, 2836-2843 (2019).
    Yi Ci Tsai, Jiann Shieh*, "Growing invisible silica nanowires on fused silica plates provides highly transparent and superwetting substrates" Applied Surface Science 479, 619-625 (2019).
    Jiann Shieh*, Cheng Yun You, Chia Chen Chiu, Jian Ming Liu, Ping Yu Shih, "Black-Silicon on Micropillars with Minimal Surface Area Enlargement to Enhance the Performance of Silicon Solar Cells" Nanoscale Research Letters 11, 489 (2016).
    J. Shieh*, Y. C. Li, C. Y. Ji, C. C. Chiu, H. Y. Lin, " Extracting high electrical currents with large fill factors from core/shell silicon nanopillar solar cells" Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy 7, 033102 (2015). (most-accessed articlesfrom JRSE published from April ? June 2015)
    J. Shieh*, Y. C. Li, C. Y. Ji, C. C. Chiu, H. Y. Lin, “ Extracting high electrical currents with large fill factors from core/shell silicon nanopillar solar cells“ Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, 7, 033102 (2015). 2015
    C.C. Liang, C.H. Lin*, T.C. Cheng, J. Shieh, H.H. Lin, “Nanoimprinting of Flexible Polycarbonate Sheets with a Flexible Polymer Mold and Application to Superhydrophobic Surfaces,” Advanced Materials Interfaces 2, 1500030 (2015). (Back Cover) 2015
    Shu Ning Wen and Jiann Shieh*, “Fabricating Silver Nanoparticles on Thin Silicon Nanowalls for Highly Sensitive Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering“ Materials Transactions, 55, 1800-1805 (2014). 2014
    Yuan-Ming Chang, Srikanth Ravipati, Pin-Hsu Kao, Jiann Shieh, Fu-Hsiang Ko, and Jenh-Yih Juang, “Broadband antireflection and field emission properties in TiN-coated Si nanopillars“ Nanoscale, 6, 9846-9851 (2014). 2014
    Chi-Ching Liu, Shien-Uang Jen, Jiann Shieh, Jenh-Yih Juang, Yuan-Ming Chang, Han-Hsiang Chian and Huang-Wei Chang, “Magnetic Properties of Fe55Pd45 Films Deposited on Si (100) Nano-meter Wide Pillars“ Journal of Nanomedicine & Nanotechnology, S5: 006 (2014). 2014
    C. H. Lin, J. Shieh*, C. C. Liang, C. C. Cheng and Y. C. Chen, “Decreasing reflection through the mutually positive effects of nanograss and nanopillars“, J. Materials Chemistry C, 2, 3645-3650 (2014). 2014
    Ding-Liang Chiang, Min-Hsiung Hon, Lay Gaik Teoh, Jiann Shieh*, “Microstructure and Photoluminescence of Ge-doped Mesoporous Silica“, Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology 66, 242-247 (2013). 2013
    Kuan-Liang Lin, Tuo-Hung Hou, Yao-Jen Lee, Jhe-Wei Chang, Jun-Hung Lin, Jiann Shieh, Cheng-Tung Chou, Tan-Fu Lei, Wen-Hsiung Chang, Wen-Yueh Jang, “Switching Mode and Mechanism in Binary Oxide RRAM Using Ni Electrode“ Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 52, 031801 (2013). 2013
    Srikanth Ravipati, Jiann Shieh*, Fu-Hsiang Ko*, Chen-Chieh Yu, Hsuen-Li Chen, “Ultralow reflection from a-Si nanograss/Si nanofrustum double layers“Advanced Materials 25, 1724-1728 (2013). 2013
    Srikanth Ravipati, Jiann Shieh*, Fu-Hsiang Ko*, Chen-Chieh Yu, Hsuen-Li Chen, Chia-Tien Wu and Szu-Hung Chen, “Broadband and wide angle antireflection of sub-20 nm GaAs nanograss” Energy & Environmental Science 5, 7601-7605 (2012). 2012
    Chien-Chong Hong, Sheng-Yuan Huang, Jiann Shieh, and Szu-Hung Chen, “Enhanced Piezoelectricity of Nanoimprinted Sub-20 nm Poly(vinylidene fluoride?trifluoroethylene) Copolymer Nanograss” Macromolecules 45, 1580-1586 (2012). 2012
    S. Kumar, I. Levchenko, Q. J. Cheng, J. Shieh, and K. Ostrikov, “Plasma enables edge-to-center-oriented graphene nanoarrays on Si nanograss” Applied Physics Letters 100, 053115 (2012). 2012
    Yuan-Ming Chang, Jiann Shieh, Pei-Yuan Chu, Hsin-Yi Lee, Chih-Ming Lin, and J. Y. Juang, “Enhanced Free Exciton and Direct Band-Edge Emissions at Room-Temperature in Ultrathin ZnO Films Grown on Si-Nanopillars by Atomic Layer Deposition“ ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 3, 4415-4419 (2011). 2011
    Pai-Yen Chen, Tsung-Chieh Cheng, Jiann Shieh, Yun-Cin Luo, “Nanomanipulation of field emission measurement for vacuum nanodiodes based on uniform silicon nanowire emitters” Applied Physics Letters 98, 163106 (2011). 2011
    Y. M. Chang, J. Shieh, J. Y. Juang, “Sub-Wavelength Antireflective Si Nanostructures Fabricated by Using the Self-Assembled Silver Metal-Nanomask” J. of Physical Chemistry C 115, 8983-8987 (2011) 2011
    Kuan-Liang Lin, Tuo-Hung Hou, Jiann Shieh, Jun-Hung Lin, Cheng-Tung Chou, Yao-Jen Lee ”Electrode Dependence of Filament Formation in HfO2 Resistive-Switching Memory” J. Applied Physics 109, 084104 (2011). 2011
    Tuo-Hung Hou, Kuan-Liang Lin, Jiann Shieh, Jun-Hung Lin, Cheng-Tung Chou, Yao-Jen Lee, “Evolution of RESET Current and Filament Morphology in Low-Power HfO2 Unipolar Resistive Switching Memory” Applied Physics Letters 98, 103511 (2011). 2011
    Chun-Hung Lin, Chi-Hao Fong, Yi-Ming Lin, Yin-Yu Lee, Hok-Sum Fung, Bor-Yuan Shew, Jiann Shieh, “EUV interferometric lithography and structural characterization of an EUV diffraction grating with nondestructive spectroscopic ellipsometry“ Microelectronic Engineering 88, 2639-2643 (2011). 2011
    (invited) Jiann Shieh*, Srikanth Ravipati, Fu Hsiang Ko, Kostya (Ken) Ostrikov, “Plasma-made silicon nanograss and related nanostructures” J. Phys. D: Applied Physics 44, 174010 (2011). 2011
    Ding Liang Chiang, Min Hsiung Hon, Lay Gaik Teoh, Jiann Shieh*, Bing Ming Cheng, Hsiao Chi Lu, Hsu Chun Cheng, 2011 “Eliminated UV Light Emitted from Nanostuctured Silica Thin Film using H2 Plasma by ICP-CVD” Current Nanoscience 7, 240-244 (2011). 2011
    Srikanth Ravipati, Chang-Jung Kuo, Jiann Shieh*, Cheng-Tung Chou, Fu-Hsiang Ko*, “Fabrication and Enhanced Field Emission Properties of Novel Silicon Nanostructures” Microelectronics Reliability 50, 1973-1976 (2010). 2010
    Chien-Chong Hong, Pin Huang, Jiann Shieh, “Fabrication of Morphology-Controlled Sub-20 nm Polymer Nanotip and Nanopore Arrays Using the Identical Nanograss Mold”, Macromolecules 43, 7772-7778 (2010). (Highlighted by Nature Asia Materials) 2010
    Shang-Yu Chuang, Hsuen-Li Chen*, Jiann Shieh*, Chun-Hung Lin, Chao-Chia Cheng, Hao-Wei Liu, Chen-Chieh Yu, ”Nanoscale of biomimetic moth eye structures exhibiting inverse polarization phenomena at the Brewster angle” Nanoscale 2,799-805(2010). 2010
    Jiann Shieh,* Fu Ju Hou, Yan Chen Chen, Hung Min Chen, Shun Po Yang, Chao Chia Cheng, Hsuen Li Chen, “Robust airlike superhydrophobic surfaces” Advanced Materials 22, 597-601 (2010).(cited #>80) 2010
    D. H. Wan, H. L. Chen, Y. S. Lin, S. Y. Chuang, J. Shieh, S. H. Chen, ”Using spectroscopic ellipsometry to characterize and apply the optical constants of hollow gold nanoparticles” ACS Nano 3, 960-970 (2009). 2009
    W. H. Lai, M. H. Hon, L. G. Teoh, Y. H. Su, J. Shieh, C. K. Chen, “Field-Emission Performance of Wormhole-Like Mesoporous Tungsten Oxide Nanowires” J. of Electronic Materials 37, 1082-1087 (2008). 2008
    K. C. Hsieh, Hsuen-Li Chen, D. H. Wan, J. Shieh, ”Active modulation of surface plasmon resonance wavelengths by applying an electric field to gold nanoparticle-embedded ferroelectric films” J. of Physical Chemistry C 112, 11673-11678 (2008). 2008
    T. S. Ko, J. Shieh, M. C. Yang, T. C. Lu, H. C. Kuo, S. C. Wang, “Phase transformation and optical characteristics of porous germanium thin film” Thin Solid Films 516, 2934-2938 (2008). 2008
    Wei Hao Lai, Lay Gaik Teoh, Yen Hsun Su, Jiann Shieh, and Min Hsiung Hon, “Effect of Calcination on Crystallinity for Nanostructured Development of Wormhole-Like Mesoporous Tungsten Oxide”, J. the American Ceramic Society 90, 4073-4075 (2007). 2007
    W.H. Lai, L.G. Teoh, Y.H. Su, J. Shieh, M.H. Hon, ”Hydrolysis reaction on the characterization of wormhole-like mesoporous tungsten oxide” J. of Alloys and Compounds 438, 247-252 (2007). 2007
    (invited) J. Shieh,* C. H. Lin, M. C. Yang, “Plasma Nanofabrications and Antireflection Applications” J. Phys. D: Applied Physics 40, 2242-2246 (2007). 2007
    T. C. Cheng, J. Shieh, W. J. Huang, M. C. Yang, M. H. Cheng, H. M. Lin, and M. N. Chang, “Hydrogen plasma dry etching method for field emission application” Appl. Phys. Lett. 88, 263118 (2006). 2006
    Wei Hao Lai, Jiann Shieh, Lay Gaik Teoh, Min Hsiung Hon, “Fabrication of one-dimensional mesoporous tungsten oxide” Nanotechnology 17, 110 (2006). 2005
    Ming-Che Yang, Jiann Shieh,* Chiung-Chih Hsu, Tsung-Chieh Cheng, “Well-aligned Silicon Nanograss Fabricated by Hydrogen Plasma Dry Etching”, Electrochem. Solid-State Lett. 8, C131-133 (2005). 2005
    Ming-Che Yang, Jiann Shieh,* Tsung-Shine Ko, Hsuen-Li Chen, and Tieh-Chi Chu, “Fabrication of silicon and germanium nanostructures by combination of hydrogen plasma dry etching and VLS mechanism”, Jap. J. Appl. Phys. 44, 5791-5794 (2005). 2005
    An-Thung Cho, Jia-Min Shieh, Jiann Shieh, Yi-Fan Lai, Bau-Tong Dai, Fu-Ming Pan, Hao-Chung Kuo, Yong-Chang Lin, Kuei-Jung Chao, and Pang-Hung Liu, “Emission of Bright Blue Light from Mesoporous Silica with Dense Si (Ge) Nanocrystals”, Electrochem. Solid-State Lett. 8, G143-146 (2005). 2005
    Ming-Jui Yang, Jiann Shieh, Shih-Lu Hsu, Ing-Jye Huang, Ching-Chich Leu, Shih-Wen Shen, Tiao-Yuan Huang, Peer Lehnen, and Chao-Hsin Chien, “Low-Temperature Growth of Polycrystalline Ge Films on SiO2 Substrate by HDPCVD”, Electrochem. Solid-State Lett. 8, C74-76 (2005). 2005
    W. H. Lai, J. Shieh, L. G. Teoh, I. M. Hung, C. S. Liao, M. H. Hon, ”Effect of copolymer and additive concentrations on the behaviors of mesoporous tungsten oxide”, J. of Alloys and Compounds 396, 295-301 (2005). 2005
    L. G. Teoh, J. Shieh, W. H. Lai, I. M. Hung, M. H. Hon, “Structure and Optical Properties of Mesoporous Tungsten Oxide”, J. of Alloys and Compounds 396, 251-254 (2005). 2005
    J. Shieh* and M.H. Hon, “Observation of plastic deformation in TiAlCN/a-C ceramic nanocomposite coating”, Applied Physics A 80, 131-134 (2005). 2005
    Jiann Shieh,* Tsung Shine Ko, Hsuen Li Chen, Bau Tong Dai, and Tieh Chi Chu, “Low-temperature growth of germanium quantum dots on silicon oxide by inductively coupled plasma chemical vapor deposition”, Chemical Vapor Deposition 10, 265-269 (2004). 2004
    Lay Gaik Teoh, Jiann Shieh, Wei Hao Lai, Min Hsiung Hon, “Effects of Mesoporous Structure on Grain Growth of Nanostructured Tungsten Oxide”, J. Materials Research 19, 2687-2693 (2004). 2004
    Jiann Shieh,* Hsuen Li Chen, Tsung Shine Ko, Hsu Chun Cheng, and Tieh Chi Chu, “Nanoparticle-Assisted Growth of Porous Germanium Thin Film”, Advanced Materials 16, 1121-1124 (2004). 2004
    L.G. Teoh, I.M. Hung, J. Shieh, W.H. Lai, and M.H. Hon, “Sensitivity properties of a novel NO2 gas sensor based on mesoporous WO3 thin film”, Sensors and Actuators B 96, 219-225 (2003). 2003
    L.G. Teoh, I.M. Hung, J. Shieh, W.H. Lai, and M.H. Hon, “High Sensitivity Semiconductor NO2 Gas Sensor Based on Mesoporous WO3 Thin Film” Electrochem. Solid-State Lett. 6, G108-111 (2003). 2003
    J. Shieh,* H. M. Feng, M. H. Hon, and H. Y. Juang, “WO3 and W-Ti-O thin-film gas sensors prepared by sol-gel dip-coating”, Sensors and Actuators B 86, 75-80 (2002). 2002
    Jiann Shieh,* Hsiao Lei Wang, Ming Shyong Tsai, and Min Hsiung Hon, “Effects of Coffee-bean-like Morphology and Graded Interlayer on Texture Evolution of PECVD-deposited Titanium Carbonitride Films”, J. the American Ceramic Society 85, 636-640 (2002). 2002
    Jiann Shieh* and Min Hsiung Hon, “Plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition of titanium aluminum carbonitride/amorphous-carbon nanocomposite thin films”, J. Vacuum Science Technology A 20, 87-92 (2002). 2002
    J. Shieh* and M. H. Hon, “Nanostructure and hardness of titanium aluminum nitride prepared by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition”, Thin Solid Films 391, 101-108 (2001). 2001
  • flight研討會發表 (Conference)
    Chia Chen Chiu, Jian Ming Liu, Cheng Yun You, Jiann Shieh* “Using Metal-Assisted Chemical Etching to Improve the Performance of Si Micropillar Solar Cell“, Light Conference: ICOME-T2015, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan, 8/10-14, 2015. 2013
    Jiann Shieh “Plasma applications on surface antireflection“, International Conference on Plasma Science and Applications, Singapore, Dec. 4-6, 2013. 2013
    Jiann Shieh, Srikanth Ravipati, Fu-Hsiang Ko, “Applications and formation mechanism of nanograss”, iPlasma Nano-III, Desaru, Malysia, Feb. 27-March 1, 2012. 2012
    Jiann Shieh, “Fabricating Substrate-Bonded One-Dimensional Nanostructures by Environment-Friendly Hydrogen Plasma Etching”, IUPAC-NMS VII, Shanghai, Oct. 16-21, 2011. 2011
    Jiann Shieh, “Silicon-based nanostructures prepared by hydrogen plasma etching”, 2011 AVS International Plasma Workshop, Taipei, Taiwan, March 22-25, 2011. 2011
    Jiann Shieh, “Recent developments in plasma made nanograss”, iPlasma Nano-II, Murramarang Resort, New South Wales, Australia, December 12-15, 2010. 2010
    Jiann Shieh, “Resistive Switching of Hafnium Oxide”, Joint Workshop on Nano-Process and Nano-Device, April 23-24, 2010, Sendai, Japan. 2010
    Jiann Shieh, “Fabrications and Applications of Silicon Nanograss”, The third international OCE science leader workshop on plasma nanoscience and nanotechnology, CSIRO, Lindfield, Australia, March 23, 2010. 2010
  • wb_incandescent專利 (Patent)
    1. 洪健中, 黃彬, 謝健, 微結構的製作方法 (中華民國發明專利發明第I 396659號)
    2. 洪健中, 黃彬, 謝健, 製造具有超斥水性及高透光性之塑膠表面的方法 (中華民國發明專利發明第I 386297號)
    3. 洪敏雄, 謝健, 高韌性與高附著性鈦鋁碳氮-非晶質碳奈米複合陶瓷鍍層(中華民國專利發明第178399 號)
    4. Ming-Hsiung Hon, Jiann Shieh, “Superior toughness and adhesive strength ceramic coating of titanium aluminum carbon nitride-amorphous carbon nanocomposite“ (US Patent US6821919 B2)
    5. 謝健, 柯宗憲, 陳學禮, 謝嘉民, 戴寶通, 朱鐵吉, 以金奈米粒子輔助成長半導體量子點的製作方法(中華民國專利發明第I 254380 號)
    6. 楊閔智,謝健,許瓊姿,鄭宗杰 “一種奈米線與量子點的製造方法“(中華民國專利發明第I 253480號;韓國專利10-0736401)
    7. 謝健, 柯宗憲, 陳學禮, 謝嘉民, 戴寶通, 朱鐵吉, 奈米多孔性半導體薄膜的製作方法(中華民國專利發明第I 232892 號)
  • find_replace技術移轉 (Technology transfer)
  • subtitles中文期刊 (Chinese Journal)
    葉介永,紀呈彥,謝健, “一維陣列抗反射矽奈米結構“, 102年3月,真空科技,26期,p. 50-55. 102年3月
    洪健中,謝健,陳仕鴻,林俊宏, ”奈米結構材料與奈米生醫機電系統之發展”, 100年9 月,台灣奈米會刊,26 期,p. 38-51. 100年9 月
    謝健,宋柏融,周正堂,林俊宏, ” 矽奈米草輔助成長高密度奈米碳管之材料分析”,100 年8 月,電子月刊,193 期,p. 109-117. 100 年8 月
    謝健, 侯福居, 陳諺辰, 陳紘?, 楊舜博, 鄭劭家, 陳學禮, “近乎完美且穩定的超疏水結構”, 99 年4 月, 科儀新知, 175 期, p. 73-79. 99 年4 月
    柯宗憲, 楊閔智, 謝健, 盧廷昌, 郭浩中, 王興宗, “快速熱退火對多孔鍺薄膜結構與發光性質之影響” 95 年2 月,奈米通訊,13 卷1 期,p.44-49. 95 年2 月
    楊閔智、謝健、許瓊姿、鄭宗杰, ”以氫電漿乾式蝕刻法製作準直矽奈米草陣列” 94年8 月,奈米通訊,12 卷3 期,p.44-49. 94年8 月
    謝健, ”矽鍺的奈米結構:量子點、奈米線與多孔薄膜” 94 年4 月,國研科技,第6期,p.24-28. 94 年4 月
    楊閔智、謝健、柯宗憲, ”結合氫氣乾式蝕刻及氣-固-液相成長機制製作矽的奈米線及鍺的奈米結構”, 93 年8 月,奈米通訊,11 卷3 期,p.6-11. (另轉半導體科技,第47 期,108, 2004). 93 年8 月
    謝健、柯宗憲、陳學禮、謝嘉民、戴寶通, ”以金奈米粒子輔助高密度感應耦合電漿化學氣相沉積高密度鍺量子點於氧化矽基板之研究”,92 年8 月,奈米通訊,10 卷3 期,p.9-12. 92 年8 月
    謝健, “下一世代的奈米化學品”,電子月刊,第94 期,175 (2003). 2003