
Educational goals

Educational goals

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The predecessor of this department is the Department of Ceramic Materials, and ceramics and glass education is our key feature. In 1992, the school was restructured into a general university, and the department was also renamed as the Department of Materials Science and Engineering. In addition to recruiting more teachers in metals, semiconductors, polymers, and nanomaterials, the curriculum was enriched and the theoretical foundation of students was strengthened. Inheriting the tradition of practical teaching, in line with the trend of the times and the needs of industrial development, the educational goal of this department is to train material science (engineering) talents with both theoretical and practical capabilities, and to enhance the research of domestic ceramics and glass technology. The purchase of equipment, teaching materials, and experimental content year by year, and the recruitment of teachers, improve the learning environment and content of students, making this department a high-quality department with both basic science and advanced technology.

The educational goals of this department are based on the educational goals of the joint universities and polytechnics, and refer to the engineering and engineering education certification specifications of the Chinese Engineering Education Society (EAC 2010) is formulated based on the spirit. In addition to considering the original traditions, taking into account the trend of the times, social needs, school software and hardware facilities, and teacher research and development, the process: (1) The department forms an engineering and technology education certification working group , Collect the educational goals of various universities at home and abroad, consider the characteristics, future development and positioning of the department, and draw up a draft of the educational goal. (2) The draft has been discussed at several department meetings and the content of the draft approved by all teachers. (3 ) Mail the draft of the education goal to the departmental advisory committee for review, and convene the departmental advisory committee to discuss the content of the education goal, gather the opinions of the committee members to modify the content of the education goal, and then confirm it by the committee, (4) send the proposed education goal to the school’s IEET engineering education It was confirmed in the certification work meeting that (5) All teachers of the department discussed and revised it and announced it in the department affairs meeting. The department advisory committee is composed of advanced industry, academia, and research units, as well as graduates of the department and parents of students. After many department meetings, IEET group meetings, and advisory committee discussions, the department’s teaching goals set and completed have now become the basis for the teachers of the department, and courses are designed to teach students. In the future, they will be continuously revised during implementation in order to obtain Better results.

University Department Educational Goals
Educational goals of the master’s program