


頁首 / 系所成員
張曼蘋  助理教授
  • home  A2-330
  • call  037-382236
  • mail  mpchang@nuu.edu.tw
  • fax  037-382247
  • biotech  A2-515、A2-519

  • school學歷 (Eduation)
    國立台灣大學 材料科學與工程學系 博士
  • assignment_ind經歷 (Experience)
    高雄科技大學 機械工程系 博士後研究員
    林口長庚醫院 骨骼關節研究中心 副研究技術師
  • voicemail開設課程 (Course)
  • approval獲得榮譽、獎助及學術活動 (Honor, fellowship, and academic activity)
    2019年 The 10th Asian-Pacific Conference on Biomechanics: Best Oral Award
    2019年 第十六屆國家新創獎:學研新創獎
    2017年 斐陶斐榮譽會員
    2015年 第十二屆國家新創獎:學研新創獎

  • mode_edit專長 (Expertise)
  • transform研究方向 (Research interest)
  • storage研究計畫 (Research project)

  • account_balance期刊論文 (Journal)
    1. Y. S. Lu, M. P. Chang, T. H. Fang*, S. W. Liang. (2022) Effects of microstructure and temperature on mechanical properties of gradient nano-grained nickel–titanium–copper films. Mater. Today Commun., 31, 103294. (Impact Factor: 3.383, Q2)
    2. Y. S. Lu, M. P. Chang, T. H. Fang*. (2021) Phase transformation and microstructure evolution of nanoimprinted NiCoCr medium entropy alloys. J. Alloys Compd., 892, 162138. (Impact Factor: 5.316, Q1)
    3. M. P. Chang, Y. S. Lu, T. H. Fang*. (2021) Mechanical mechanism and deformation behavior of polycrystalline and gradient Ni50-xTi50Alx alloys using molecular dynamics. Mater. Today Commun., 28, 102724. (Impact Factor: 3.383, Q2)
    4. C. W. Huang, M. P. Chang, T. H. Fang*. (2021) Effects of temperature and repeat layer spacing on mechanical properties of graphene/polycrystalline copper nanolaminated composites under shear loading. Beilstein J. Nanotechnol., 12, 863-877. (Impact Factor: 3.649, Q1)
    5. P. Y. Hsu, M. P. Chang, W. H. Tuan*, P. L. Lai*. (2018) Effect of physical and chemical characteristics on the washout resistance of calcium sulfate pellets. Ceram. Int., 44, 8934-8939.
    6. M.P. Chang, H.C. Hsu, W.H. Tuan*, P.L. Lai*. (2017) A feasibility study regarding the potential use of silica-doped calcium sulfate anhydrite as a bone void filler. J Med Biol Eng., 37, 879-886.
    7. M.P. Chang, Y.C. Tsung, H.C. Hsu, W.H. Tuan*, P.L. Lai. (2015) Addition of a small amount of glass to improve the degradation behavior of calcium sulfate bioceramic. Ceram. Int., 41, 1155-1162. (Impact Factor: 4.527, Q1)
    8. W.H. Chen, H.T. Lin, P.K. Nayak, M.P. Chang, J.L. Huang*. (2015) Sintering behavior and mechanical properties of WC–Al2O3 composites prepared by spark plasma sintering (SPS). IJRMHM, 48, 414-417. (Impact Factor: 3.871, Q1)
    9. W.H. Chen, P.K. Nayak, H.T. Lin, M.P. Chang, J.L. Huang. (2014) Synthesis of nanostructured tungsten carbide via metal-organic chemical vapor deposition and carburization process. IJRMHM, 47, 44-48. (Impact Factor: 3.871, Q1)
    10. P.K. Nayak, H.T. Lin, M.P. Chang, W.H. Chen, J.L. Huang*. (2013) Microstructure analysis and mechanical properties of a new class of Al2O3–WC nanocomposites fabricated by spark plasma sintering. J. Eur. Ceram. Soc., 33, 15-16. (Impact Factor: 5.302, Q1)
  • flight研討會發表 (Conference)
    1. M. P. Chang, P. L. Lai*, Z. X. Chen, C. Y. Chen, J. L. Wang. (2019) In vivo study of a novel growth rod system, The 10th Asian-Pacific Conference on Biomechanics (AP Biomech 2019), Taipei, Taiwan.
    2. M. P. Chang, Z. X. Chen, C. Y. Chen, J. L. Wang, P. L. Lai*. (2019) A novel growth rod system for early onset scoliosis, 永慶尖端醫療園區國際研討會,桃園,台灣。
    3. M. P. Chang, W. H. Tuan*, P. L. Lai. (2015) Strengthening calcium sulfate through the addition of silicon dioxide. ICCCI (International Conference on the Characterization and Control of Interfaces for High Quality Advanced Materials), Kurashiki, Japan.
    4. M. P. Chang, W. H. Tuan*. (2014) Silicon dioxide-doped calcium sulfate as bone graft substitute. Taiwan Orthopedic Association, 2015.Sintering behavior of calcium sulfate with small amount of glass. Taiwan Ceramic Society.
    5. M. P. Chang, J.L. Huang*. (2011) Synthesis of tungsten carbides via metal-organic chemical vapor deposition and carbonization process. TACT 2011 International Thin Films Conference, Taiwan.
  • wb_incandescent專利 (Patent)
  • find_replace技術移轉 (Technology transfer)